HL Deb 08 November 1962 vol 244 cc521-2WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will make a statement about special Exchequer assistance to the National Maritime Museum.


Yes. The Trustees of the National Maritime Museum have recently toad the opportunity to make two most important acquisitions. Mrs. C. D. Palmer has, in accordance with the wishes of her late husband, Captain Eric Palmer, offered to sell to the Museum at a favourable price the unique collection of 17th century Dutch maritime pictures made by Captain Palmer. The Trustees are also anxious to acquire certain items from the Royal United Services Institution Museum whose collections are being dispersed.

We have agreed, subject to the approval of Parliament, to make a special grant towards the cost of these two acquisitions. The exact amount required cannot be decided until the details of the proposed transaction with the R.U.S.I. are further advanced, but will not exceed £45,000 in all and will be given on the understanding that the Trustees are able to find the balance required from other sources.

A supplementary estimate will be laid before Parliament in due course and meanwhile an advance will be made from the Civil Contingencies Fund to enable the purchase of the Palmer Collection to be completed.

House adjourned at ten minutes before ten o'clock.