HC Deb 29 March 1962 vol 656 c137W
68. Mr. D. Foot

asked the Attorney-General whether Her Majesty's Government have now considered the Report by a Committee of Justice, presided over by Sir John Whyatt on. "The Citizen and the Administration", and in particular the Committee's recommendation for the appointment of a Parliamentary Commissioner to investigate grievances against Government Departments; and what conclusions they have reached.

69. Mr. More

asked the Attorney-General when Her Majesty's Government expect to have completed examination of the Report of the Committee of Justice presided over by Sir John Whyatt; and when they will announce their conclusions.

The Attorney-General

The consideration of this Report raises difficult questions of both principle and practice, examination of which must necessarily take an appreciable time. I regret that in these circumstances it is not possible for me to add anything to the Answers I have already given on this subject or to say how soon the Government's consideration of the Report is likely to be completed.