HC Deb 19 March 1962 vol 656 c3W
51. Mr. P. Noel-Baker

asked the Lord

Privy Seal whether he will make a statement about the work of the United Nations Disarmament Committee, now sitting in Geneva.

Mr. Heath

It would be premature at present to make any detailed statement about the work of the Committee, which began only on 14th March. Agreement has been reached on procedure, and major speeches have been made by the Soviet and United States delegates. The Soviet Foreign Minister has tabled a draft disarmament treaty, which is based very largely on the Soviet disarmament plan of 1960. Mr. Dean Rusk has proposed, amongst other things, certain substantial measures of disarmament, which could be put into effect without delay. These include a reduction by 30 per cent. in nuclear delivery vehicles and conventional armaments, to be carried out over a period of three years. As hon. Members may be aware, my noble Friend the Foreign Secretary has on behalf of the Government warmly welcomed these imaginative proposals.