HC Deb 26 July 1962 vol 663 cc183-4W
73. Mr. Swingler

asked the First Secretary of State to what extent among the projects for African education being financed by United Kingdom loans or grants in the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland there are included specific projects for the education of girls, such as domestic science colleges, and projects of community development.

Mr. R. A. Butler

The following is the information:

In Northern Rhodesia the following Colonial Development and Welfare Grants have been made for Girls' Schools:

(a) Chipembi Girls' Secondary School £20,000
(b) Maramba Girls' Secondary School £10,000
(c) Mindolo Girls' Technical College (providing Domestic Science training for Students and Teachers) £22,400
(d) Mpika Girls Secondary School £16,000

Colonial Development and Welfare Grants have also assisted in the establishment of Chalimbana Teacher Training College and David Livingstone Teacher Training College, which cater for both men and women teachers, in the building of two co-educational secondary schools, and in the building of rural co-educational primary schools in all provinces.

In Nyasaland there is a basically co-educational system, and special facilities for girls are integrated into the new Development Plan. This is intended to provide £85,000 for expansion of the Lilongwe Girls' Secondary School, £5,000 for special homecraft instruction at primary level, and other sums for special facilities for girls at seven other secondary schools and for three homecraft training centres. The precise method of financing these projects within the Plan has yet to be decided upon. In addition a Colonial Development and Welfare Grant of £12,275 has recently been approved for a Community Development (Land Use) Pilot Scheme.

The British Government have also contributed some £79,000 towards the establishment of a women's hall of residence at the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Salisbury.