HC Deb 24 July 1962 vol 663 cc136-7W
18. Mr. W. Hamilton

asked the hon. Member for Holland-with-Boston, as Chairman of the Kitchen Committee, what conditions his Committee lays down for the letting of dining rooms in the House for private lunch parties.

Sir H. Butcher

The Rules laid down by the Select Committee on Kitchen and Refreshment Rooms (House of Commons) for the Booking of private dining rooms are as follows:

  1. 1. Any advertisement or publicity in connection with the function must be submitted to the Manager of the Refreshment Department for the approval of the Chairman of the Kitchen Committee before publication.
  2. 2. All invitation and admittance tickets must bear the name of the Member in whose name the room is reserved.
  3. 3. No booking shall be made for a private dining room except by a Member, who shall attend the function and shall be solely responsible for the full settlement of the account.
  4. 4. The approximate number of diners shall be notified to the department on the Friday of the previous week and the exact number, which shall be charged, shall be given on the previous day.
  5. 5. No room shall be booked provisionally for more than two dates at one time for any one function.
  6. 6. No provisional booking shall continue for more than ten days, after which period, if confirmation is not received, the reservation shall be automatically released.
  7. 7. If rooms which have been definitely reserved are subsequently cancelled, allowing insufficient time to permit the room to be re-let, a booking fee shall be charged in the event of the room not being re-let.
  8. 8. Advanced bookings are subject to confirmation not more than six months before the date.

Perhaps I might further refer the hon. Gentleman to my replies of yesterday.— [OFFICIAL REPORT, 23rd July, 1962; Vol. 663, c. 952–3.]

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