HC Deb 09 July 1962 vol 662 cc106-8W
Mr. Willis

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty if he will state the number of the 660 boys at the Royal Navy's seamen's orphanage at Holbrook, Suffolk, entered from Chatham, Gillingham and Rochester and the remainder of the old Chatham Command, respectively, and the numbers in each of the four areas who are the sons of officers and ratings, respectively.

Mr. Hayman

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty, if he will state the number of the 660 boys at the Royal Navy's seamen's orphanage at Holbrook, Suffolk, entered from Plymouth, Cornwall and the remainder of the Plymouth Command, respectively, and the numbers in each of the three areas who are the sons of officers and ratings, respectively.

Dr. King

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty if he will state the number of the 660 boys at the Royal Navy's seamen's orphanage at Holbrook, Suffolk, entered from Southampton and Portsmouth and the remainder of the old Portsmouth Command, respectively, and the numbers in each of the three areas who are the sons of officers and ratings, respectively.

Mr. C. Ian Orr-Ewing

It is regretted that the entry records are not maintained in a form readily to provide a reply to these questions.

Mr. Willis

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty if he will state the age, period of education, and the number of entries and leavers, in the last full year of the Royal Navy's seamen's orphanage at Greenwich, and for the last completed year at Holbrook. Suffolk.

Mr. C. Ian Orr-Ewing

The number of boys entering and leaving the Royal Hospital School in the calendar years 1932 and 1961 were:

Entries Leavers
1932 260 271
1961 177 156

It is not practicable to indicate the age and period of education of each leaver, but in 1932 boys entered between the age of 11 and 14 with a view to joining the Royal Navy and generally remained at the school till aged 15½. Today boys are normally entered at 11; they are not obliged to join the Royal Navy; they leave after completing the school course of five years, or on reaching the national school-leaving age of 15 if their parents or guardians so wish. Boys who have obtained their General Certificate of Education at ordinary level, and who are promoted to the VIth Form to take the examination at advanced level or to aim at Service Cadetships, places at the universities, technical colleges, etc., may remain until they are 17 or 18 years old.

Mr. Hayman

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty if he will state the numbers of county and county borough education authorities, respectively, who pay fees for boys at the Royal Navy's seamen's orphanage at Holbrook, Suffolk, the range of the fees and whether the full fees are paid.

Mr. C. Ian Orr-Ewing

Assistance with the fees for boys at the Royal Hospital School is at present received from 23 county and 8 county borough education committees. The full fee of £100 is met by these authorities in some 50 per cent. of cases: contributions in the remaining cases range from £12 to £95 a year, the average being about £50.