HC Deb 11 December 1962 vol 669 c51W
Miss Herbison

asked the Minister of Education how many local education authorities in England and Wales have appointed teachers as non-elected members of their education committees; and bow many have not done so.

Sir E. Boyle

This information is not available, but I believe that most do.

Institution Project Approximate total cost Estimated duration of project
Department of Education, Sheffield Programmed learning ("O" level mathematics) and teaching machines. 13,000 3 years
Department of Sociology, Manchester Effects of home life on school performance. 10,000 4 years
Department of Education, Leicester Experiments by serving teachers with programmed learning in primary schools. 1,000 3 years
Department of Industrial Administration, Manchester College of Science and Technology. Observation of mathematics teaching in secondary modern schools. 1,500 1 year
Institute of Education, Nottingham Education of the deaf 2,500* 2 years
Department of Education, Swansea Teaching of educationally subnormal children. 5,000 3 years
Institute of Education, London New methods of marking examination papers in English. 1,000 1 year
Department of Education, Birmingham (in association with Department of English, Leeds). Oral English tests in the Certificate of Secondary Education. 6,000 3 years
Brunei College of Technology Learning of intellectually complex material. 20,000 5 years
Educational Foundation for Visual Aids. Contribution to audio-visual aids experimental development unit. 15,000 3 years
National Foundation for Educational Research. Merits of block and day release 20,000 4 years
National Foundation for Educational Research. Effects of "streaming" in primary schools. 58,000 5 years
National Foundation for Educational Research. Grant in aid 21,000 3 years
* Together with £2,500 from the Dulverton Trust.

Institution £
British Interchange Committee of the English Speaking Union 3,800
Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges 14,500
Council for Education in World Citizenship 500
Field Studies Council 4,000
League of British Commonwealth and Empire 3,250
National Council for Technological Awards 6,500
National Council for Diplomas in Art and Design 14,000
Nursery Schools Association of Great Britain 250