HC Deb 10 December 1962 vol 669 c10W
61. Mr. Hale

asked the Minister of Pensions and National Insurance what is the present rate of unemployment benefit for a single male person expressed in terms of a percentage of the average current wages for an adult male worker computed to the most recent convenient date; and what were the corresponding figures for 1924 and 1949, respectively.

Mr. N. Macpherson

In April, 1962, 18.4 per cent.; in April, 1949, l8.6 per cant. Corresponding figures for average earnings in 1924 are not available, but the unemployment benefit rates, following an increase in August of that year, were 32 per cent. of the average earnings of all males, including juveniles, as shown by an inquiry carried out on a rather different basis from those made for 1949 and 1962.