HC Deb 12 April 1962 vol 657 cc157-8W
48. Mr. Thorpe

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what inquiries he has made into the circumstances in which a motor car containing a six-month-old baby was towed away by the Metropolitan Police in Market

Offence Number of women Length of sentence
12 months Over 12 months to 2 years Over 2 years to 3 years Over 3 years Life
Violence against the person (except murder) 23 8 6 4 3 2
Offences against females 1 1
Breaking and entering 3 2 1
Aggravated larcency 8 2 4 1 1
Simple and minor larceny 15 11 4
Receiving 1 1 —.
Frauds and false pretences 16 7 9
Other indictable offences (including robbery) 4 1 1 2


71 33 25 7 4 2

Place, Oxford Street, on Saturday, 7th April; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. Renton

I am informed by the Commissioner of Police that the car was removed because it was illegally parked. It was locked and the windows were shut. It is not police practice to search cars that are being removed, and the fact that there was a baby in a covered cot in the car was unfortunately not noticed until the car arrived at the police pound. Arrangements were then made for a woman police officer to look after the child until its parents arrived.