HC Deb 02 April 1962 vol 657 cc15-7W
Mr. Turner

asked the Minister of Education how many children in the Metropolitan Borough of Woolwich are in receipt of secondary education; and how many of these children are attending schools in each of the following

he will give the estimated share of the rate burden borne by the different classes of hereditaments after revaluation under the same headings as used in Command Paper No. 9718 and disregarding rate deficiency grant; and if he will also give the estimated shares both before and after revaluation as in Command Paper No. 1663 but recalculated by percentages omitting the rate deficiency grant factor.

Dr. Hill

I regret that as the estimates were not made under the headings referred to in the first part of the Question, it is not practicable to give precisely the information desired. The figures, which are not directly comparable with those in Cmnd. 9718 because for example electricity hereditaments were not directly rated in 1955–56 and 1956–57 and coal hereditaments are omitted from the Cmnd. 1663 figures, are as follows:

areas, namely, the Metropolitan Borough of Woolwich, the Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich, the Metropolitan Borough of Deptford, and other districts.

Sir D. Eccles

Information is not available in precisely the form requested, but the following table shows the number and proportion of pupils living in the Boroughs of Woolwich and Greenwich who are admitted to secondary

schools outside the area of the two boroughs put together:

Number Percentage
Pupils recommended for grammar type course 343 34
Other pupils 115 5
All pupils 458 15