§ Mr. Kershawasked the Lord Privy Seal whether he will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a translation of the Bonn Declaration of 18th July last, in view of its relevance to the present negotiations concerning the United Kingdom's accession to the European Economic Community.
Adopted by the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Six in Bonn, July 18, 1961
The Heads of State or Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, Belgium, France, Italy and Luxembourg and the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, desiring to re-affirm the spiritual values and the political traditions which form their common heritage.
United in their consciousness of the great tasks which Europe is called upon to fulfil within the community of free peoples in order to safeguard world freedom and peace.
Concerned to strengthen the political economic, social and cultural ties which exist between their peoples particularly within the framework of the European Communities, and to move towards the unity of Europe.
Convinced that only a united Europe, allied to the United States of America and to other
free peoples, is capable of meeting the dangers which threaten the existence of Europe and of the whole free world, and that it is essential to concentrate the energies, capacities and resources of all those who regard freedom as an inalienable possession.
Resolved to develop their political cooperation with a view to the unity of Europe and at the same time to continue the work which has already been undertaken in the European Communities,
Desiring the accession to the European Communities of other European states which are prepared to accept the same responsibilities and obligations in all fields.
Have decided:
- (i) to give form to the will for political unity which is already implicit in the treaties establishing the European Communities, and to this end to organise their co-operation, to provide for its further development, and to ensure for it the regularity which will progressively create the conditions for a joint policy and eventually make it possible to embody in institutions the work which has been undertaken;
- (ii) to hold meetings at regular intervals with the object of comparing their views, concerting their policies and reaching agreed positions in order to further the political unity of Europe and thus to strengthen the Atlantic Alliance. The necessary practical measures will be taken to prepare for these meetings. Moreover the continuation of active collaboration between the Foreign Ministers will contribute to the continuity of the activities jointly undertaken. The co-operation of the Six should extend beyond the political field in the normal sense. In particular it will extend to the field of education, culture and research, where it will be ensured by periodic meetings of the Ministers concerned;
- (iii) to instruct their Commission to submit to them proposals on ways and means to enable a statutory character to be given, as soon as possible, to the unity of their peoples.
The Heads of State and Government are convinced that by organising their co-operation in this way they will promote the implementation of the Treaties of Paris and Rome. They also consider that their co-operation will facilitate such improvements as may seem appropriate for the greater efficiency of the Communities.
To this end they have decided:
- (i) to commission studies of the various points in the resolution of the European Parliamentary Assembly of June 29, 1961, on political co-operation between the member states of the European Communities;
- (ii) to associate public opinion more closely with the work which is being undertaken by inviting the European Parliamentary Assembly, with the co-operation of the Governments, to extend the scope of its deliberations to new fields.