HC Deb 10 May 1961 vol 640 c44W
50. Commander Kerans

asked the Minister of Transport how many prosecutions against merchant ships unlawfully discharging oil sullage off beaches have been successful in the last two years.

Mr. Marples

During the two years 1959 and 1960 there were 58 successful prosecutions against merchant ships for discharging oil within United Kingdom territorial waters.

51. Commander Kerans

asked the Minister of Transport what steps he is now taking to reduce oil pollution on beaches.

Mr. Marples

My hon. and gallant Friend will be aware that a research programme to discover the best ways of dealing with oil pollution has already been put in hand by my noble Friend the Minister for Science. The results should help local authorities. We and the other countries which have accepted the International Convention for Prevention of the Pollution of the Sea by Oil do everything we can to enforce its provisions, but outside our territorial waters we have no control over the vessels of non-Convention countries. A Conference to revise the International Convention is to be held in the Spring of 1962, and we are considering with the interests concerned how the best possible results may be secured.

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