HC Deb 28 June 1961 vol 643 cc39-40W
40. Mrs. Castle

asked the Lord Privy Seal what reply he has sent to the British Council of Churches' request for a deputation of church leaders to be received to discuss the mounting Christian concern about the Angola situation, in view of its effect upon the safety of United Kingdom missionaries and the need for rapid and effective action by the United Nations.

46. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Lord Privy Seal what representations have been made to him by the British Council of Churches in respect of events in Angola, now being examined by a United Nations sub-committee; and what reply he has made.

48. Mr. Driberg

asked the Lord Privy Seal what reply has been returned to the request by the British Council of Churches that a deputation from the Council should meet the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in order to discuss the situation in Angola now being studied by a United Nations sub-committee; what other representations on this subject have been received from responsible Christian bodies; and what replies have been returned thereto.

4. Mr. Healey

asked the Lord Privy Seal what representations he has received from representatives of the Baptist Church regarding Great Britain's policy in the United Nations in relation to the Portuguese Government's action in Angola.

Mr. Heath

My noble Friend received the deputation of church leaders referred to this morning at a meeting at which I was also present. There was a general discussion at which the deputation of the British Council of Churches expressed the deep and mounting concern of Christians here at the situation in Angola. Her Majesty's Government share this concern and, as the House knows, are considering how we can best help to improve the situation. My noble Friend expressed his desire to keep in touch with the Council as the situation developed. The Baptist Union and the Baptist Missionary Society have also been in contact independently with the Foreign Office.

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