HC Deb 12 June 1961 vol 642 c16W
96. Mr. Russell

asked the Minister of Power how the cheap summer prices of coal and coke compare with last winter's prices; and what price advantages householders who buy coal and coke during the summer, instead of next winter, can expect to obtain.

Mr. George

Except for certain Welsh boiler fuels, the National Coal Board's housecoal prices are £1 per ton lower now than they were last winter. Buying now compared with buying next winter is likely to save £1 a ton. Varying changes have been made in gas coke prices and it is difficult to give a comparison with last winter. But from the summer price announcements I would expect the price advantage from buying coke now as against next winter to vary between 15s. and 21s. 8d. per ton.

I strongly urge everyone who can to lay in stocks during the summer. Consumers who stock coal or coke now will not only save themselves money but also insure themselves against the possibility of winter delays

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