HC Deb 31 July 1961 vol 645 cc112-3W
71. Mr. A. Henderson

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he will make a further statement on the discussion at the Security Council on Kuwait and on the present situation on the Iraq-Kuwait border.

Mr. Heath

There has been no further discussion on Kuwait at the Security Council since my hon. Friend the Minister of State answered a Question by the right hon. and learned Gentleman on 10th July.

The present situation on the Iraq-Kuwait border is quiet.

75. Mr. Emrys Hughes

asked the Lord Privy Seal if he will publish the text of the communication he received from the Ruler of Kuwait asking for military help from Great Britain, and of his reply.

Mr. Heath

The Ruler and Her Majesty's Government were in consultation after the speech by the Iraqi Prime Minister on 25th June. This was in accordance with paragraph (c) of the Exchange of Notes of 19th June. The Ruler's formal request for military assistance was made on 30th June. Below is a translation of his Note.

The Political Resident made an oral reply early on the morning of 1st July on behalf of Her Majesty's Government when he told the Ruler what forces Her Majesty's Government were sending in response to his appeal.

Translation of Note of June 30, 1961, from the Ruler of Kuwait

"His Excellency Her Majesty's Political Agent in Kuwait.


"In view of the military movements which have been undertaken by the Iraqi army on the borders of Kuwait and which are such as to threaten the security of Kuwait I have decided to submit a request for military assistance to Her Majesty's Government in accordance with the Note which I exchanged with Sir William Luce on June 19, 1961.

"I beg you to inform your Government of this immediately and I have full confidence Her Majesty's Government will adopt all measures and will muster their whole potential to ward off the aggressors.

"Please accept my best wishes. May God preserve you.

"Dated June 30, 1961.


"Abdullah al-Salim Al Sabah

"Ruler of Kuwait."

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