HC Deb 25 July 1961 vol 645 cc32-4W
Mr. Wall

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what financial assistance has been given by way of grants or loans to the Governments of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika, respectively, during the periods 1950 to 1955 and 1955 to 1960; and what further financial aid is planned.

Mr. Iain Macleod

The grants and loans made available to these territories by Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom financial years 1950–51 to 1960–61, inclusive, are shown in the following table.

As regards the current United Kingdom financial year, the position is as follows:

  1. (a) In the case of Kenya, we have undertaken, subject where necessary to the approval of Parliament, to make available grants of up to about £13 million (of which £6 million as grant in aid of administration) and loans of £5½ million. I am currently considering an application for further assistance in connection with land settlement schemes.
  2. (b) In the case of Tanganyika, provision is made in United Kingdom Votes, on the basis of existing arrangements, for grants of about £5 million. An Exchequer loan of £2 million was issued in June. Following the recent financial talks we have put certain proposals for assistance to the Tanganyika Government which they are now considering.
  3. (c) In the case of Uganda, provision is made in United Kingdom Votes for grants of about £3¾ million. An Ex- 33 chequer loan of £2½ million has already been approved, of which £1¾ million was issued in June; and the balance will be issued as required. I am now considering an application for an Exchequer loan for general

(£ million)
U.K. Financial Year 1950–51 1951–52 1952–53 1953–54
Grant Loan Grant Loan Grant Loan Grant Loan
Kenya 0.767 0.350 0.672 0.310 0.626 0.270 0.397 0.240
Uganda 0.400 0.075 0.461 0.325 0.019 0.447 0.200
Tanganyika 1.357 0.400 0.767 0.450 1.162 0.361 0.577 0.145
Totals 2.524 0.825 1.900 0.760 2.113 0.650 1.421 0.585

(£ million)
U.K. Financial Year 1954–55 1955–56 1956–57 1957–58
Grant Loan Grant Loan Grant Loan Grant Loan
Kenya 8.808 3.285 12.041 4.755 5.900 1.080 3.034 2.250
Uganda 0.437 1.041 0.054 0.509 0.011 0.004
Tanganyika 0.803 0.068 0.954 0.300 1.240 0.075 1.003 0.345
Totals 10.048 4.394 13.049 5.564 7.151 1.155 4.041 2.595

(£ million)
U.K. Financial Year 1958–59 1959–60 1960–61
Grant Loan Grant Loan Grant Loan
Kenya 2.088 1.225 1.654 2.455 1.183 8.434
Uganda 0.069 0.300 0.612 3.000 1.135 3.000
Tanganyika 1.370 0.375 1.424 0.550 1.863 2.000
Totals 3.527 1.900 3.690 5.995 4.181 13.434
Note: The above table includes grants and loans made through the Colonial Services and Colonial Development and Welfare Votes; investments by the Colonial Development Corporation from funds provided by Her Majesty's Government; and with effect from the year 1959–60. Exchequer loans made under Section 2 of the Colonial Development and Welfare Act, 1959.

development in the current Uganda financial year.

The foregoing figures for 1961–62 make no allowance for Exchequer advances to the Colonial Development Corporation for investment in the area.

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