HC Deb 28 February 1961 vol 635 cc123-4W
Mr. Reynolds

asked the Minister of Health (1) what progress had been made in carrying out the recommendation made in 1956 by the Cohen Committee on the Medical Care of Epileptics that each regional hospital board should establish one diagnostic and treatment clinic for epileptics far each million of its population, and one long-term treatment and rehabilitation centre for each two millions of its population;

(2) how many long stay hospital units, as recommended in 1956 by the Cohen Committee on the Medical Care of Epileptics, have been established for epileptic children with exceptionally bad behaviour disorders;

(3) what steps have been taken to establish in larger towns the hostels, recommended in 1956 by the Cohen Committee on the Medical Care of Epileptics, for epileptics who are employed but still need continuing medical supervision.

Mr. Powell

This Report was commended to hospital authorities who have to consider its recommendations in the light of the other needs for which their plans must provide. Diagnostic facilities, either at special clinics or as part of general neurological or psychiatric services, have been provided in all regions. Some Boards have been able to provide separate wards for short or longer-term treatment. It has not yet been possible to provide special units for epileptic children with behaviour disorders or hostels for employable epileptics in need of medical supervision.

Mr. Reynolds

asked the Minister of Health what is being done by his Department in connection with the conclusion reached by the Piercy Committee in 1956 that there is a need to enlighten the public about the nature of epilepsy and upon the variations in degree of the disability.

Mr. Powell

My Department cooperates with the British Epilepsy Association, who undertake publicity about the nature of epilepsy and its social effects. Advice is also given through the hospital, general practitioner, local authority, and employment services, both to the epileptic himself and to those who come in contact with him. I am sending the hon. Member some relevant Government publications.