HL Deb 21 February 1961 vol 228 cc1008-14WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the information as to

Offender(Age on conviction of capital murder)
Previous offence
Age on conviction Offence
A (22) 11 Larceny.
B (29) 13 Larceny and receiving.
C (24) 11 Wilful damage.
13 Housebreaking with intent to steal (1 other offence taken into consideration).
17 Larceny (1 other offence taken into consideration).
18 Storebreaking and larceny.
18 Assault with intent to rob.
21 Assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
D (20) 8 Larceny.
14 Shopbreaking (2 offences); garagebreaking.
15 Storebreaking and larceny.
18 Larceny.
19 Being a suspected person, loitering with intent; breach of probation.
E (67) 16 Larceny.
16 Found on enclosed premises for an unlawful purpose.
17 Found on enclosed premises for an unlawful purpose.
17 Larceny.
18 Larceny.
18 Larceny.
18 Burglary and larceny.
22 Larceny.
23 Larceny (4 offences).
32 Larceny.
34 Embezzlement.
35 Housebreaking and larceny.
38 Being a convict on licence, failing to report.
39 Housebreaking and larceny (2 offences).
43 Housebreaking and larceny.
52 Housebreaking and larceny (3 offences).
66 Sacrilege.
F (31) 22 Indecent assault on a female.
22 Striking a superior officer (in H.M. forces).
23 Striking a superior officer (in H.M. forces).
26 Assault with intent to rob.
27 Being a suspected person, loitering with intent to commit a felony.
31 Attempted suicide.
G (44) 9 Larceny.
9 Larceny.
13 Larceny (2 offences) (9 other offences taken into consideration).
18 Larceny.
19 Larceny.
21 Housebreaking and larceny.
23 Larceny (2 offences) (1 other offence taken into consideration).
24 Uttering a letter demanding money with menaces; sending a letter threatening to murder.
26 Uttering a letter demanding money with menaces.
30 Larceny.
31 Larceny.
36 Housebreaking and larceny (3 offences) (65 other offences taken into consideration).


The following is the information

Offender Previous offences (Age on conviction of capital murder)
Previous offence
Age on conviction Offence
H (20) 19 Larceny and forgery (1 other offence taken into consideration).
I (39) 19 Embezzlement.
27 Assault.
29 Larceny.
30 Assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
38 Shopbreaking and larceny.
J (30) 15 Larceny (3 offences).
K (24) 14 Larceny.
L (23) 13 Assault occasioning actual bodily harm; indecent assault on a male under 14 years of age.
M (30) 28 Housebreaking and larceny.
28 Larceny; housebreaking and larceny (10 offences).
N (25) 22 Dangerous driving: driving without a licence: driving without insurance: failing to produce aliens registration certificate.
23 Larceny: using a motor-cycle without insurance.
23 Larceny.
24 Taking and driving away a motor-cycle.
24 Driving without a licence: driving without insurance.
O (23)12 Larceny.
16 Larceny (1 other offence taken into consideration).
17 Larceny (1 other offence taken into consideration).
20 Burglary (2 offences): Larceny (12 other offences taken into consideration).
P (18) 11 Larceny (2 offences).
16 Shopbreaking and larceny: attempted larceny (8 other offences taken into consideration).
18 Garage breaking with intent to steal.
Q (23) 14 Larceny.
14 Larceny.
15 Larceny.
16 Larceny (2 offences).
17 Larceny (4 other offences taken into consideration).
23 Garage breaking with intent to steal.
R (31) 12 Housebreaking and larceny.
12 Housebreaking and larceny.
13 Housebreaking.
13 Housebreaking.
14 Housebreaking: shopbreaking: larceny (2 offences).
14 Housebreaking and shopbreaking.
14 Housebreaking and larceny.
15 Housebreaking (3 offences): felonious wounding.
15 Housebreaking (2 offences): housebreaking with intent to steal: absconding from Approved School.
15 Larceny.
15 Housebreaking.
15 Larceny (2 offences).
15 Housebreaking and larceny.
16 Robbery with violence: housebreaking and larceny (2 offences): larceny: fraud: indecent assault.
16 Housebreaking.
19 Housebreaking and larceny (15 offences): housebreaking with intent to steal (2 offences): attempted housebreaking.
19 Rape.
29 Housebreaking and larceny.

Offender(Age on conviction of capital murder)
Previous offence
Age on conviction Offence
S (23) 18 Taking and driving away a motor vehicle: driving without insurance; exceeding speed limit.
19 Drunk and incapable.
19 Drunk and incapable.
20 Taking and driving away a motor vehicle: driving without insurance: driving while disqualified: driving without a licence.
21 Drunk and incapable.
21 Drunk and incapable.
21 Breach of the peace: malicious mischief.
22 Interfering with a parked motor vehicle: assault.
22 Housebreaking with intent to steal.
23 Housebreaking with intent to steal (2 offences): larceny.
T (24) 5 Larceny.
U (25) 22 Larceny: taking and driving away a motor vehicle (2 offences): driving without insurance (2 offences).
22 Fraud (2 offences).
22 Larceny.
23 Larceny.
24 Larceny.

House adjourned at seventeen minutes before six o'clock.