HL Deb 03 August 1961 vol 234 cc315-6WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they have any statement to make about the visit of the Lord Chief Justice to Australia and New Zealand.


The Lord Chief Justice has gone on an official visit to Australia at the invitation of the Law Council of Australia to attend the 12th Australian Law Convention at Sydney, which commenced on the 5th July.

This Convention is an important Commonwealth occasion, and it has been the practice for leading members of our judiciary to attend it and to deliver an address. Before accepting the invitation, the Lord Chief Justice naturally consulted me, especially as the Convention has to be held during our legal Term. I strongly urged Lord Parker to accept, as I am convinced that such meetings are of great benefit to the whole Commonwealth.

With my full approval, the Lord Chief Justice arranged, on his way out to Australia, to pay visits to the Judges in Ceylon, Singapore and Malaya for the purposes of consultation on matters of mutual interest to our respective judiciaries. While he is in the Antipodes he is also meeting members of the judiciary in New Zealand and in the Australian States.

I am very grateful to Lord Parker for undertaking this arduous and important tour.