HL Deb 03 August 1961 vol 234 c319WA

(Excluding deaths from natural causes)

This statement gives the total number of casualties reported up to 14th August, 1945. It includes all men reported prisoners of war and in the case of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, New Zealand, South Africa and the Colonies, all men reported missing during the war. A final statement of casualties will be issued when the fate of all those reported missing is determined and when all prisoners of war are repatriated.

United Kingdom* Canada Australia New Zealand South Africa India Colonies Total
Killed, including died of wounds or injuries 244,723 37,476 23,365 10,033 6,840 24,338 6,877 353,652
Missing 53,039 1,843 6,030 2,129 1,841 11,754 14,208 90,844
Wounded 277,090 53,174 39,803 19,314 14,363 64,354 6,972 475,070
Prisoners of War, including Service internees 180,405 9,045 26,363 8,453 14,589 79,489† 8,115 326,459
Total 755,257 101,538 95,561 39,929 37,633 179,935 36,172 1,246,025
* Including men from overseas serving in these forces, in particular from Newfoundland and Southern Rhodesia.
† Including 20,147 officers and other ranks missing but presumed to be prisoners of war.

(a) The figures in the above table exclude (i) civilian casualties due to enemy action, (ii) casualties to merchant seamen and (iii) casualties to members of the Home Guard while on duty.
(b) The figures for missing (except those for Canada, Australia and India) include those who have rejoined, and the figures for prisoners of war include those who have been repatriated or liberated or have escaped.
House adjourned at twenty-six minutes before nine o'clock for the Summer Recess.