HC Deb 27 November 1959 vol 614 c81W
Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will make a detailed statement on the hospital accommodation in Aberdeen city and county and the numbers of persons waiting for hospital beds there during each of the last five years; and for how long each person has had to wait for a bed.

Mr. Maclay

I annex a summary, by specialties, of the hospital accommodation available in the City of Aberdeen and in Aberdeenshire. The information about waiting lists and waiting times requested by the hon. and learned Member is necessarily detailed and elaborate, and I am sending it to him separately.

Specialty No. of Staffed Beds
General Medicine 170
General Surgery 243
Orthopaedic Surgery 147
Thoracic Surgery 36
Neurosurgery 16
Ear, Nose and Throat 34
Ophthalmology 66
Paediatrics 392
Dermatology 16
Turberculosis 158
Infectious Diseases (other than tuberculosis) 116
Gynaecology 92
Obstetrics 231
Radiotherapy 16
Mental and Psychoneurotic Disorders 1,867
Mental Deficiency 143
Chronic Sick 481
Convalescent 39
Miscellaneous 188
Total 4,451