HC Deb 18 November 1959 vol 613 cc135-6W
77. Mr. Mason

asked the Minister of Transport, in view of the fact that the granting of a table licence to restaurants on the new motorways is equivalent to the acceptance of a public house, whether he will send a circular to all licensing justices drawing attention to the possible dangerous consequences of table licensing development on fast highways.

Mr. Marples

No. The granting of licences is entirely a matter for the licensing justices.

87. Mr. Chetwynd

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will impose an upper speed limit on motorways.

Mr. Marples

I shall want a lot more experience of conditions on M.1 before coming to any decision whether or not to impose a maximum speed limit on motorways.

Mr. John Hall

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will delineate the edge of the carriageway on motorways with red cats' eyes; and whether he will provide barriers between the carriageways to prevent dazzle.

Mr. Marples

My Department and the Road Research Laboratory are considering whether any change is desirable in the present methods of delineating the edges of carriageways on motorways. My hon. Friend's suggestion is among the possibilities being investigated. A two-mile length of anti-dazzle fencing is to be put up experimentally on M.1. Experience abroad is so conflicting that no firm decision can be taken until conditions on M.1 have been thoroughly tested.