HC Deb 11 November 1959 vol 613 c47W
57. Mr. Driberg

asked the Minister of Transport if he will make a statement on the number and character of the accidents that have occurred so far on the motorway Ml; to what extent the first reports on its surface and on the width and construction of the hard shoulders indicate that these are satisfactory; and what special precautions are being taken to prevent accidents in fog, including the temporary imposition of a speed limit when dense fog is forecast.

Date Class of vehicle involved Nature of accident Casualties Remarks
6.11.59 3 lorries A motor car ran into lorry parked on hard shoulder. Police and breakdown van attended. Because of previous experience breakdown van parked partly on carriageway. Struck by lorry from rear. Second lorry ran into this lorry. 2 killed Dense fog.
1 motor car 1 seriously injured
1 breakdown van
6.11.59 2 lorries Collision 2 slightly injured At the junction with A.70.
6.11.59 2 lorries Collision 1 slightly injured Dense fog.
8.11.59 Motorcycle Gear box seized up
9.11.59 2 motor cars Collision
9.11.59 2 motor cars Car travelling north skidding across central reservation and colliding with car travelling south. 2 seriously injured