HC Deb 24 March 1959 vol 602 cc99-102W
20. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what has been the total cost of all the road works since 1945 upon his estate on the Lochportain-Cheesebay peninsula in North Uist; whether he is aware that the local communities of his department's tenants still have access to the rest of the island only by sea or over a moorland bog; and when it is intended to complete the road link with the North Uist country highway.

Lord John Hope

Expenditure of about £60,000 has been incurred to date on road construction works to serve the land settlement estates in the area in question. My right hon. Friend is, of course, aware of the circumstances in the area. As regards the completion of the road link with the county highway, he would be prepared to consider this work if and when the county council accord it the necessary priority.

23. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether in view of the fact that unemployment in the Lewis and Harris area is about 38 per cent., he will visit the island in the near future and consult with the local authorities about the promotion of such schemes for the economic revival and development of the area as are within the competence of his Department.

Mr. N. Macpherson

Local authority works totalling about £500,000 are in progress or have recently been approved in Harris and Lewis, and my right hon. Friend made it clear to local authorities last November that he would be prepared to consider sympathetically any proposals by them for bringing forward into the current year projects of capital investment. My right hon. Friend cannot see his way to visit the area in the next month or two but he hopes that it may be possible for him to visit the island later this summer.

24. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the combined school population of the Cromore, Maravig, Lemreway, Graver and Kershader areas, in the Isle of Lewis, in 1918 and in 1958; what was the total figure for the schools in the areas of Brenish-Islivig, Crowlista, Mangersta, Valtos and Lochcroistean in each of those years; and if he will state the decline as a percentage and indicate what steps he is taking to assist in reversing this trend.

Mr. N. Macpherson

In these two districts there were 415 and 183 pupils, respectively, in 1918, and 123 and 92 in 1958, a decline of 70 per cent. in the first and 50 per cent. in the second. The figures for 1958 include no pupils of secondary school age since such pupils all now attend school in Stornoway. As the hon. Member is fully aware, these areas are eligible for the very considerable help that is available in the Highlands.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what revision and speeding up of the water supply programme in the Isle of Barra by Inverness County Council has followed the relaxation of governmental restriction upon such expenditure; if he will give details; and if he will speed up Departmental consideration and sanction of proposals and plans for water supply on the East side of the island in particular, in view of the urgent needs of that area.

Mr. Nixon Browne

In the current programme of water supply schemes prepared by Inverness County Council provision is made for the Skallary water supply scheme, which will serve the southeastern district of the island, to commence in 1960, but it is understood that in view of the authority recently given to the county council to speed up its water supply programme it may be possible for the council to start this scheme towards the end of this year, should it decide to do so. The council is, of course, responsible for the order in which the schemes in the programme are undertaken. The Skallary scheme will complete the water supply development in Barra. No details of the scheme have yet been forwarded for Departmental consideration.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether Inverness County Council has yet approached him with proposals for a road at Ledaig, Isle of Barra, and a request for financial assistance towards its cost; and what assistance he is prepared to give.

Lord John Hope

No proposals have been submitted and my right hon. Friend cannot, therefore, say what assistance might be given.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what financial assistance he is providing towards the cost of the establishment of the old people's home at Stornoway; and when the erection of the building is to begin.

Mr. Nixon Browne

Assistance towards the cost of the establishment of the old people's home at Stornoway will be provided as part of the general grant payable to Ross and Cromarty County Council under the Local Government and Miscellaneous Financial Provisions (Scotland) Act, 1958. My right hon. Friend has approved the plans. When erection begins will depend on the time required by the county council to complete the other preparatory work.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware of the need for an old people's home in the Isle of Barra; whether he has yet had any proposals for one from Inverness County Council; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Nixon Browne

I have received no proposal from Inverness County Council for the establishment of a home in Barra, but any such proposal will, of course, be sympathetically considered.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether the consultations between his Department and the Inverness County Council, resumed five years ago, regarding provision of a regular ferry service between the Islands of Barra and Vatersay, have yet been completed; and when it is intended to operate this service.

Lord John Hope

When this question was raised, in 1955, by my right hon. Friend's Department with the Inverness County Council, within whose field of responsibility the question of the provision of a publicly operated ferry service would rest, the county council expressed the view that the existing privately operated ferry service appeared adequate to meet all needs. My right hon. Friend has not since received any representations to the contrary.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what new water supply schemes or new extensions of schemes are now to proceed this year in South Uist and Benbecula in addition to those already agreed or under way for the current year, as a result of his consultations with Inverness County Council, following the recent relaxation of Government restrictions upon expenditure on such works; and if he will state the estimated additional cost of each of them.

Mr. Nixon Browne

Work has recently commenced on water supply schemes in Benbecula and South Uist estimated to cost £30,449 and £76,991, respectively. One further scheme in South Uist, estimated to cost £46,180, is included in Inverness County Council's current programme of water supply schemes and is due to start in 1961. Whether, in view of the authority recently given to speed up their water supply programme, this scheme will be brought forward is a matter for the county council, which is responsible for the priority of the water supply schemes in the programme.