§ Mr. Patrick Maitlandasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many requests for Government-to-Government loans have been received by Her Majesty's Government since the Montreal Conference; their total value; how many have been refused or are still under consideration; and their total value, respectively.
§ Mr. ErrollNegotiations for the following Government-to-Government loans have been completed since the Montreal Conference:
- (i) a loan of £28½ million to the Government of India;
- (ii) a loan of £10 million to the Government of Pakistan;
- (iii) a loan of £3 million to the Government of Yugoslavia;
- (iv) a loan of £5 million to the Government of the Sudan;
86- (v) as part of a joint O.E.E.C. operation, a loan of £3½ million to Turkey.
The total value of these loans is £50 million.
It would not be in accordance with normal practice for me to disclose details of negotiations for any further loans which may be under consideration or which might have been refused.