HC Deb 04 June 1959 vol 606 cc49-50W
Sir A. Bossom

asked the Minister of Health to what extent there is at the present time a shortage of nurses in Great Britain and Northern Ireland; and what is, approximately, the size and form of this shortage.

Mr. Walker-Smith

No recent estimates are available covering the whole of

Mr. Molson

As was stated in the letter from my Department to the Vicar of St. Martin in the Fields which was published recently, I was advised that the presence of a crib might provoke controversy and possibly disorder. In this respect a crib differs from a Christmas tree. I therefore told the Vicar that, as I felt sure he would wish to avoid this risk, I thought it wiser not to have a crib and I hoped he would feel that the suggestion need not be taken further.

As the Vicar is continuing to press for a crib to be allowed, I am now reconsidering the matter. I have sought the advice of representative leaders of denominational thought and shall not reach a decision until I have received that advice and considered it.