HC Deb 23 January 1959 vol 598 cc58-9W
Mr. N. Nicolson

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what has been the amount of the British contribution during the past year to the United Nations, its Specialised Agencies and voluntary funds; and what proportion the British contribution represented to the total budget in each case.

Mr. R. Allan

The contributions of the United Kingdom for the calendar year 1958 to the United Nations, its Specialised Agencies and voluntary funds are shown in the following table. Con-

Assessed Contributions Contribution Percentage of total budget
£ Per cent.
United Nations 1,175,477(a) 7.62
Food and Agriculture Organisation 303,726 10.29
World Health Organisation 414,198 8.04
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 265,958 7.33
International Labour Organisation 275,277 10.24
International Civil Aviation Organisation 103,044 9.67
World Meteorological Organisation 8,829 5.68
International Telecommunications 30,052 4.3
Universal Postal Union 3,900 2.7
International Atomic Energy Agency 163,000 7.5
Voluntary Contributions (b)
Expanded Technical Assistance Programme 800,000 6.8
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees 2,000,000 16.2
United Nations Children's Fund 235,000 4.5
United Nations Refugee Fund 100,000 8.31(c)
(a) Excluding the United Kingdom share of the costs of the United Nations Emergency Force.
(b) Percentages relate to total amounts promised and pledged by all governments.
(c) Percentage relates to total amounts of all governmental regular contributions.

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