HC Deb 09 April 1959 vol 603 cc31-2W
8. Mr. Rankin

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what progress has been made in his discussions with the delegation led by the Sultan of Brunei on their proposals for a new written constitution for Brunei.

20. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what agreement on political, social and economic issues has been reached, or what progress was made, in respect of the recent delegation from Brunei led by His Highness the Sultan of Brunei.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

Complete agreement was reached. His Highness the Sultan is to promulgate a written Constitution for Brunei associating representatives of his people with the running of the State. A new draft Agreement governing the relations between Her Majesty and the Sultan was initialled. The administrative separation of Brunei from Sarawak was also agreed.

I am circulating below the announcement that was made at the conclusion of the talks.

Talks between His Highness the Sultan of Brunei and a delegation of Members of His Highness's State Council, which began at the Colonial Office with Mr. Alan Lennox-Boyd, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, on 23rd March ended today, Monday, 6th April, 1959. Complete agreement was reached on all matters discussed.

His Highness is to promulgate a written Constitution for Brunei which will have the effect of associating representatives of his people with the running of the State. The 1905–6 Agreement between Her Majesty and the Sultan is to be replaced by a new Agreement more in line with modern ideas. There will be an administrative separation of Brunei from Sarawak. In particular, the arrangement whereby the Governor of Sarawak is High Commissioner for Brunei will be ended and there will be a High Commissioner in Brunei itself who will deal direct with Her Majesty's Government. Her Majesty's Government will be responsible for defence and external affairs; the High Commissioner will be responsible for advising the Sultan on matters connected with the government of the State except those relating to the Muslim religion and the Custom of the Malays. The post of British Resident in Brunei will disappear and there will be a Mentri Besar (Chief Minister) appointed by the Sultan who will be responsible to the Sultan for the exercise of executive authority in the State. Special consultative arrangements were agreed on for internal security.

It has been agreed that the new Constitution should be promulgated and the other changes brought into effect within a period of six months from 1st April, 1959. A start will be made at once with the large amount of legal and administrative work which is necessary, including the making of arrangements for the future staffing of the Brunei Public Service, with the aim in due course of manning this Service with personnel recruited locally, and for safeguarding the position of those immediately and in the future affected by the changes. Every effort will be made to complete this work so that if possible the target date of 1st July, 1959, can be achieved.

A draft new Agreement was initialled this morning at the Colonial Office by His Highness the Sultan and by the Secretary of State for the Colonies on behalf of Her Majesty. The formal Agreement will be signed later in Brunei.

The Sultan and his Delegation return to Brunei on Tuesday, 7th April. 1959.

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