HC Deb 27 November 1958 vol 596 cc61-2W
13. Mr. Pargiter

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what were the causes of the recent disturbances in Nyasaland, at Blantyre and Zomba; what proposals have been made by the Nyasaland Government to prevent unrest; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Profumo

At Blantyre, following a meeting addressed by Dr. Banda, a small hooligan element in a large crowd of Africans waiting at a bus terminal threw stones at passing cars. This lasted for only a short period and ceased immediately the police arrived. There were two incidents at Zomba. At the first, an enthusiastic crowd surrounded the car of Dr. Banda and the police had difficulty in clearing a way. There were unruly incidents and three arrests were made for obstructing the police.

On the second occasion an unruly crowd assembled in the town while Dr. Banda was attending a meeting in the Government Secretariat. The crowd was ordered to disperse and, of those who refused to do this, fifteen were arrested for obstruction and assaulting the police. Reports of these incidents have caused some public concern and the Nyasaland Government has issued a statement expressing its determination to maintain law and order and to deal firmly with those who disturb public tranquillity.

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