§ Mr. Knox Cunninghamasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what progress has been made with regard to Opinion No. 29, 1958, of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe relating to the draft European Convention on Compulsory Insurance against Civil Liability in respect of Motor Vehicles, which was referred to the Assembly by the Committee of Ministers; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. Ian Harvey:This Opinion of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe is on the Agenda of the meeting of Ministers' Deputies which opened at Strasbourg on 17th November. The outcome of the discussion is not yet known.
145WRepresentatives of Her Majesty's Government joined in the work of the Committee of Experts which has been studying the draft European Convention on Compulsory Insurance against Civil Liability in respect of Motor Vehicles. Signature of the Convention in its present form would, however, necessitate several fundamental changes in the compulsory motor insurance law now in force in this country. No decision has yet been reached on whether Her Majesty's Government should become a party to the Convention if the present text were opened for signature.