HC Deb 19 May 1958 vol 588 c57W
56. Captain Pilkington

asked the Minister of Supply how many of those now employed at the Royal Ordnance Factory, at Poole, will be taken over by the firm acquiring the factory; how many of the others will be transferred to different Ministry of Supply work; what arrangements have been made to offer alternative work to the remainder; and what is to happen to the present equipment in the factory.

Mr. Aubrey Jones

I am not yet in a position to say how many of the work-people at this factory will be offered and will accept employment by the firm taking the factory over. All surplus established employees will be offered the opportunity of transfer to other Government employment. An office of the Ministry of Labour and National Service has already been set up in the factory to provide redundant unestablished employees with early advice and help in getting other work. Some of the present equipment will be moved to other factories. The rest will be sold.