HC Deb 13 May 1958 vol 588 cc19-20W
Sir I. Clark Hutchison

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will make a statement about the application to inquiries in Scotland of the recommendations of the Franks Committee.

Mr. Maclay

A memorandum governing the procedure at the great majority of future inquiries held under the requirements of statutes with which I am concerned has now been sent to local authorities in Scotland, under cover of circulars seeking their co-operation in the preliminary stages of the procedure leading to such inquiries. Copies have been placed in the Library.

These documents have been drawn up in consultation with the Local Authority Associations, and are designed to give administrative effect to the Government's acceptance of most of the recommendations relating to inquiries in the Franks Report. They cover such points as the holding of inquiries in public as a general rule; the provision of statements by local and other public authorities so that potential appellants or objectors may see the case they have to meet in good time before inquiries; the order in which the parties to inquiries should be heard the availability of departmental representatives to give evidence on matters of fact and expert opinion; facilities for parties to inspect and comment on the factual parts of inquiry reports before Ministerial decisions are reached; the issue, along with Ministerial decisions, of reports in full to the parties concerned, or their deposit for local inspection where this is more appropriate; and the continuance of the present practice of explaining Ministerial decisions in the letters issuing them, including in future an explanation of reasons for any departure from recommendations in the inquiry report.

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