HC Deb 09 May 1958 vol 587 cc131-4W
Mr. Iremonger

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT details of the membership of the local valuation panel submitted to and approved by him under Sections 45 and 46 of the Local Government Act, 1948, in respect of metropolitan Essex; how many local

Borough Number of houses in borough at 1.4.56 Local Valuation Court Lands Tribunal
Number of appeals heard Number of appeals successful Number of appeals heard Number of appeals successful
Ilford 51,956 1,411 480 8 1
Barking 21,711 157 47
Dagenham 30,721 105 20 6 1
Wanstead and Woodford 18,358 304 117 1

valuation courts are constituted from this panel; and whether he is satisfied that the scheme adequately provides for uniformity in valuation of comparable dwelling houses in the area.

Mr. H. Brooke

The Essex Local Valuation Panels Scheme, 1957, provides for the South-Western Panel to have 26 members, including a Chairman and three Deputy Chairmen. The members are appointed by the Essex County Council, and the appointments do not require my approval. Courts are convened by the Chairman as often as may be necessary. I understand that 194 were convened in the year 1957–58. I am satisfied that the scheme of arrangements laid down in the Act, of which this is a part, adequately provides for uniformity in valuation.

Mr. Iremonger

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs how many appeals have been made under Section 48 of the Local Government Act, 1948, to the local valuation court and under Section 49 to the County Court in the past four years, respectively, in respect of valuations of dwelling houses in Ilford and neighbouring boroughs in metropolitan Essex; and what proportion of appeals to such courts have been successful.

Mr. H. Brooke

The following are particulars of ratepayers' appeal's heard by local valuation courts and the Lands Tribunal—which now exercises the functions conferred on the County Court by the Act of 1948—in the past four years. The figures of "successful appeals" include those where the appeal was only partially successful, e.g., where, a smaller reduction was obtained than had been sought.

Mr. Iremonger

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs whether he will institute an inquiry to ascertain how far the object of the Valuation for Rating Act, 1953, namely, the uniform valuation of comparable dwelling houses, is being achieved in metropolitan Essex, by the basis of valuation and the machinery for valuation and appeal provided by that Act and the Local Government Act, 1948.

Mr. H. Brooke

No. I do not think there is any reason for doing this.