HC Deb 07 March 1958 vol 583 c169W
Mr. L. Thomas

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation whether he has yet reached a decision in regard to the fee to be charged for vehicle testing under the Road Traffic Act, 1956; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Watkinson

Yes. I have now completed discussions with representatives of the motor trade on the question of the fee and have decided that the charge to motorists shall beVehicles subject to the test, other than solo motor cycles—15s. Solo motor cycles—10s. 6d. In each case the charge includes a fee of 1s. which authorised examiners will pay to my Department.

Initially I propose that the tests shall be made compulsory for private motor cars with three or four wheels, motor cycles and goods vehicles not exceeding 30 cwt. unladen weight first registered ten years or more before the date on which the scheme is introduced.

The main conditions governing my proposals for the appointment of authorised examiners and the manner in which testing stations will be operated by private garages have been agreed with the trade. Further discussions have still to be held with representatives of municipalities and the motoring organisations.

I expect these discussions to be completed in time to enable me to announce by the end of April that I am ready to consider applications for appointment as authorised testing stations. I shall arrange for my examiners to inspect premises as quickly as possible but no applicant will be officially appointed as an authorised tester under the scheme until the necessary Regulations have been made.

When I know the response to the invitations I shall be able to formulate the necessary Order and Regulations, which will be laid before Parliament as soon thereafter as possible. At the same time I propose to table a White Paper containing full details of the scheme.

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