HC Deb 24 July 1958 vol 592 cc46-9W
23. Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations upon what conditions inhabitants of the United Kingdom are granted assisted passages from Great Britain by each British Commonwealth Government; what undertakings are given them as to economic conditions and promise of employment; and what are, in each case, the conditions of travel for transport and for accommodation of the emigrants during travel and on arrival while awaiting employment and later.

Mr. Alport

Schemes for financial assistance to prospective migrants are operated by the Governments of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, who have respectively supplied the following information:


Interest-free loans for passages are available as follows:—

(1) All migrants must comply with Canadian immigration requirements.

(2) Loans must be repaid in monthly instalments within two years.

(3) Applicants sign an undertaking which states that— As the Canadian Government cannot guarantee that I will have assured employment in my own trade, skill or profession, I promise: THAT upon my arrival in Canada I will engage in the class of employment which may be selected for me by the authorised representative of the Canadian Government at wage rates and under working conditions prevailing in the locality of employment; THAT I will conform to the rules and working conditions in effect in such class of employment; THAT I will remain in such class of employment for a period of at least one year after my arrival in Canada and for a further period until all loans from the Government of Canada towards the cost of my transportation to destination in Canada have been repaid; THAT I will not transfer from the class of employment to which I am assigned or from one employer to another unless such transfer is previously approved by an authorised representative of the Canadian Government".

(4) Applicants make their own travel arrangements.

(5) Accommodation on arrival is a matter for the migrants themselves, though assistance in finding suitable accommodation is provided, if required.

(6) Information about conditions in Canada is supplied by Canadian Immigration Officers and other representatives in this country of the Canadian Government and by representatives of the Canadian Provincial Governments.


Assisted passages are available as follows:—

(1) Applicants must be normally resident in this country, they must comply with Australian immigration requirements and be jointly approved by the Australian and United Kingdom Governments.

(2) Each migrant contributes £10 sterling if 19 years of age and over. (Under that age they travel free.) Migrants who fail to remain in Australia for at least two years have to refund the cost of their passage less any contribution they have made, and they sign an undertaking to this effect.

(3) (a) Applicants may be nominated by friends or relatives in Australia provided that they have reasonable prospects of employment in Australia and accommodation there has been arranged, or

(b) They may be nominated by Australian firms or by the Commonwealth Government or by an Australian State Government if they are in certain categories of employment and accommodation in Australia has been arranged, or

(c) Small numbers of self-reliant single men and women, and married couples without children, between the ages of 21 and 45 are accepted without nomination provided that they possess, on landing in Australia, at least £25 (single) or £50 (married) and on condition that they find their own employment and accommodation.

(4) The Australian Government is responsible for ensuring that administrative arrangements for the reception, placement and aftercare of all migrants upon arrival are adequate and for arranging the payment of all normal social service benefits. The facilities of the Commonwealth Employment Service are available to all migrants.

(5) Tourist class passages are provided either in special migrant ships or by ordinary passenger sailings. Full rail travel where necessary is provided by the Australian Government from the point of disembarkation to the ultimate destination.

(6) Accommodation for nominated migrants is inspected by the Australian authorities before the nomination is approved.

(7) Prospective migrants are supplied with ample descriptive literature about all aspects of Australian economic and social life.

New Zealand

Free passages are available as follows:—

(1) applicants must be United Kingdom citizens of good health and character and must comply with New Zealand immigration requirements.

(2) (a) Single persons—must be between ages of 17 and 45. Nomination is not essential.

(b) Married persons—must not be more than 45 years of age and with not more than two children. Breadwinners must be in certain specified occupations. Nomination (with permanent accommodation provided) by someone already in New Zealand is essential.

(3) Employment is arranged for each assisted migrant in the occupation for which he or she has been selected. In return the migrant undertakes to remain in approved employment for at least two years after arriving in New Zealand.

(4) Tourist-class passages are provided either in special migrant ships or by ordinary passenger sailings.

(5) Migrants nominated privately go direct to accommodation provided by nominators, which has been approved by the New Zealand authorities before migrants are accepted. Others are placed in Government hostels or provided with private board in localities near their employment.

(6) Applicants are provided with literature dealing in general terms with conditions in New Zealand and are able to obtain further information when they are interviewed by Selection Officers.

Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland

Interest-free loans for passages are available as follows:—

(1) Applicants must be British subjects normally resident in the United Kingdom, who are between the ages of 18 and 45 years, and are in certain specified occupations.

(2) Although employment is not guaranteed, the Federal Selection Board in London, before approving loans, satisfy themselves that prospective migrants can be successfully absorbed and can remain gainfully employed in the Federation.

(3) All migrants must comply with Federal Immigration requirements.

(4) Loans must be repaid within three years. If they are not repaid by then they are subject to interest on outstanding balances at the rate of 4 per cent.

(5) Migrants make their own travel arrangements, but can obtain advice and help from Rhodesia House.

(6) Accommodation on arrival is a matter for the migrants but there is a Government-sponsored hostel in Salisbury which offers temporary accommodation at a reasonable tariff.

(7) The Federal representatives in London supply immigrants with literature about the Federation and make every effort to ensure that they are well informed, before departure, about conditions there.