HC Deb 18 December 1958 vol 597 cc285-6W
Mr. J. E. B. Hill

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what action it is proposed to take on the report made by the committee officially investigating for Great Britain complaints referred to them concerning the operation of the British Wool Marketing Scheme.

Mr. Hare

My right hon. Friends the Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Secretary of State for Scotland and I have considered the report and have accepted the findings and recommendations of the Committee. Orders have been made today, which will give effect to these recommendations.

One Order will direct the Board to introduce a period of six months' notice to their agents concerning producers' applications to change to another agent so far as the 1960 clip is concerned. The Board have themselves introduced a period of notice for the 1959 clip. The Committee of Investigation recommended at least twelve months' notice, but for practical reasons my colleagues and I have decided that the shorter period should be introduced on a trial basis. The arrangements will be reviewed in the light of the working of the 1960 arrangements in consultation with the Board and their agents' representatives. If some other period of notice is then shown to be justified we shall modify the statutory direction accordingly.

The second Order amends the Scheme to provide for the establishment of an Agents' Negotiating Committee as a forum for negotiation of the rates of remuneration to be paid to agents under an agency contract so long as the Board and the agents' organisations wish to conduct such negotiations centrally. This Committee will also discuss such other terms of the agency contract as both parties agree to be appropriate. The Order also provides for the appointment of an independent person to be consulted in the event of disagreement of the Committee concerning the rates of remuneration.

In accordance with the statutory procedure the British Wool Marketing Board were given notice of the action which we proposed to take and consideration was given to the representations made by the Board.