Mr. Philips Priceasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, having regard to the assurances about free speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of political campaigning given by him at the Nigerian Constitutional Conference in London in October, what arrangements have now been made to implement these promises so far as the whole of Nigeria is concerned; and whether he is satisfied that these arrangements will be adequate to ensure that the undertakings are duly respected during the Federal Congress of the Action Group Party to be held at Kano this weekend.
§ Mr. Lennox-BoydThe hon. Member is no doubt referring to the assurance given by the Governor-General recorded in paragraph 76 of the Report of the Resumed Nigeria Constitutional Conference, Cmnd. 569.
The arrangements for implementing this assurance are a matter for local determination in accordance with the particular circumstances in different parts of 125W Nigeria. So far as the North is concerned, the Governor-General has had discussions on the matter with the Governor and political leaders, including the Action Group, and has reached certain understandings. If, as I hope will he the case, these are respected by all concerned, the arrangements at Kano this weekend will accord with the Governor-General's aim of ensuring the widest latitude in freedom of speech and assembly that is consonant with the maintenance of law and order.