HC Deb 04 December 1958 vol 596 c172W
Mr. Swingler

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will make a statement on how the Central Joint Council of the sisal industry in Tanganyika is constituted and, in particular, how the representatives of the employees on this Council are chosen.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

Under terms agreed between management and workers last April the Central Joint Council consists of 42 elected members drawn in equal numbers from both sides of the sisal industry, together with 3 representatives of the Tanganyika Sisal and Plantation Workers' Union and 3 representatives of the Tanganyika Sisal Growers' Association. The Council selects its chairman from outside the industry, and has two joint secretaries, one chosen by the employers' side and one by the workers' side.

The 21 workers' representatives on the Central Joint Council are elected from amongst the workers' representatives on each of 4 Regional Consultative Councils, these representatives having been chosen by area or estate committees.

Mr. Swingler

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the average wages per month in the sisal industry in Tanganyika.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

No figure for average monthly wages is available. The minimum monthly wages inclusive of bonus following a recent award are:

Group 1—(Cutters, rail-layers, workers on trollies, and factory labour employed on decorticators and in brushing) 45
Group 2—(Brushers' assistants and others on production work in factory) 34
Group 3—(Planting and development) 25
Group 4—(Heavy cleaning and stumping etc.) 31

In addition free rations (or Shs. 15 a month in lieu of food) and free housing are supplied by the employers.

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