HC Deb 30 October 1957 vol 575 cc57-8W
Mr. Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will make a statement on the Government's actions to effect a settlement of the Suez Canal dispute with Egypt and a reconciliation with that country.

Mr. Ormsby-Gore

The Suez Canal dispute with Egypt is not the concern of Her Majesty's Government alone but of the United Nations. The Security Council, which on 13th October, 1956, unanimously established six requirements for a satisfactory solution of the dispute, remains seized of the problem. Some progress has been made towards a solution and Her Majesty's Government have naturally played their full part at the United Nations in achieving this result. We shall continue to press for arrangements fully consistent with the six principles of the October resolution.

There are a number of other unresolved questions between the United Kingdom and Egypt; in particular, we wish to see the repeal of restrictive Egyptian legislation against British subjects and property, and the return of the property or payment of adequate compensation. Talks to this end have been taking place with Egyptian representatives.