HC Deb 27 November 1957 vol 578 cc111-4W
5. Mr. Lewis

asked the Minister of Labour if he will publish in HANSARD a detailed list of Wages Council Awards and other wage awards which have been made or recommended since the Government's appeal for wage restraint; how many of these were dependent upon his approval before implementation; how many such approvals he has given and declined; the total number of workers and staff affected; and the estimated annual increase in the national wage and salary charges which will result from the wage increases approved.

Wages Councils Current rates effective from Proposals submitted by Wages Council Amount of proposed increase Order signed Effective date of Order Estimated† number of workers covered by Wages Council ‡Estimated annual increase in wages payable
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Boot and Floor Polish 31.8.56 14.10.57 Adult males, 3d. p.h., adult females, 2½d. p.h., juveniles, 1¼d.–2½d. p.h. for males and 1¼d.–2d. p.h. for females. 30.10.57 15.11.57 3,000 74,000
Fur* 3.8.56 11.10.57 Men, 2/6d.–12/6d. p.w., women, 2/0d.–10/6d. p.w. of 44 hrs. according to age and skill. 30.10.57 18.11.57 10,000 210,000
Button Manufacturing 26.6.56 17.10.57 Adult males, 2½d. p.h., adult females, 2d. p.h., juveniles-males 1½d.–2½d. p.h., females, 1d.–1½d. p.h. 1.11.57 15.11.57 7,000 147,000
Hollow-ware 20.4.56 24.10.57 Adult males, 2d. p.h., adult females, 1½d. p.h., juveniles-males ⅝d.–1⅝d. p.h., females, ¾d.–1¼d. p.h. 7.11.57 22.11.57 8,000 121,000
Toy 16.7.56 8.11.57 Adult males and skilled females, 2½d. p.h., other adult females, 2d. p.h., juveniles-males, 1d.–2¼d. p.h., females, 1d.–1¾d. p.h. 30,000 508,000
* Increases do not apply to workers employed on general minimum piece rates.
† It does not follow that all workers will get the increases; many are already paid at rates exceeding the statutory minimum.
‡ The figures in column (8) are based on normal conditions of working.

Mr. Iain Macleod

The details given below refer to proposals of five Wages Councils and to eight awards issued by statutory arbitration bodies since the same date. Arbitration awards are, of course, entirely independent of my approval; I have no power to reject or amend wages regulation proposals which become binding on the employers concerned when I have made an Order to give effect to them. This I have done in respect of four of the proposals referred to; the other is receiving my consideration.

Following is the information:

No. of Award Parties Brief description Award No. of workers involved Annual cost
1034 Association of Supervisory Staffs, Executives and Technicians and Newcastle, Gates-head and Northumberland Workshops for the Blind. Salaries of certain foremen. Increase of approximately £28 p.a. granted. 4 £115 approx.
1035 Guild of Insurance Officials and Rational Association Friendly Society. Salaries of clerical staff. Varied increases according to age groups ranging from 2s. 6d. per week to 8s. (males) and from 2s. 6d. to 6s. per week (females). Not known Not known
1036 Guild of Insurance Officials and Rational Association Friendly Collecting Society. Salaries of clerical staff. Varied increases according to age groups ranging from 2s. 6d. per week to 8s. (males) and from 2s. 6d. to 6s. per week (females). Not known Not known
1037 Sign and Display Trades Union and Tyneside Safety Glass Co. (Colmore Adhesive Ltd.). Wage increase of 3d. per hour (adult workers) with proportionate increases for juveniles. Wage increase of 2d. per hour (adult workers) with proportionate increase for juveniles. Not known Not known
1038 National and Local Government Officers' Association and Wembley Borough Council. Salary scales of Borough Engineer and Surveyor and Borough Treasurer. Salary scales increased by £55 p.a. (approx.). 2 £110
No. of Award Parties Brief description Award No. of workers Annual cost
2668 National Union of Funeral and Cemetery Workers and London Association of Funeral Directors. Conditions and rates of pay. Varied salaries scales fixed for different occupations as part of a new Agreement. 750 Not known
No. of Award Parties Brief description Award No. of workers Annual cost
331 Civil Service Union and War Office. Rates of pay of First Aid Attendants be revised to £8 8s. 9d. per week. Rate of pay shall be £8 6s. 0d. About 45 Not known
332 Institutional of Professional Civil Servants and H.M. Treasury. Salary scales of Cartographic and Recording Draughtsmen Class. Varied salary scales for different grades. 3,850 Not known