HC Deb 30 July 1957 vol 574 cc167-8W

Charges are being applied progressively to all Government hospitals as follows:—

In-patients, 10s. for adults and 5s. for children up to 16 years to cover the whole period of admission to hospital. In the case of adults the fee is 15s. for attendance at the King George VI hospital, Nairobi and the Coast Provincial General Hospital, Mombasa. Outpatients, 2s. per week for adults and Is. for children. Provision is made for waiver of fees for indigent persons.

The estimated yield per annum is £30,000 for in-patients and £44,000 for out-patients.

There was a sharp fall in out-patient attendances after the introduction of charges, but this was considered to be due to the elimination of persons visiting out-patient departments for no serious reason. It is too early to state the full effect of the introduction of in-patient fees, but indications are that there will be little change.

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