HC Deb 30 July 1957 vol 574 c170W

The following charges are made in the Victoria Hospital:—

  1. (i)Out-patient Department—6d. per prescription.
  2. (ii)In-patients—
    1. (a)General ward; no charge.
    2. (b)1st class private wards; 21s. a day for maintenance only.
    3. (c)2nd class private wards; 8s. 6d. a day for maintenance only.

No charges are made at the Sanatorium, the Home for the Infirm, or the Mental and Infectious Diseases Hospitals; nor at any of the Protectorate medical units, i.e., Bansang Hospitals health centres, dispensaries, or sub-dispensaries.

The revenue for 1955 was £2,110, and is estimated at £3,000 for 1956.

Attendances have increased since the introduction of charges.

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