HC Deb 22 July 1957 vol 574 c8W
72. Mr. J. Johnson

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he is aware that local authority Isman Asker, Sultan of Eidegalla tribe, was arrested on 14th July by Ethiopian police in the Haud; and whether he will take immediate steps to prevent further intimidation of British Somalis by securing the release of Isman Asker.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

I understand that Protectorate akil, Isman Asker, who is a nephew of the Sultan of the Eidegalla tribe, was arrested on 13th July in the Haud on a charge of insulting the Ethiopian police last March. The case is being dealt with by the British liaison officer in accordance with the 1954 Agreement, and the arrested man has been seen by a member of the liaison officer's staff who has informed him of his rights, including the right to ask for his case to be transferred to the high court. On the information at present available to me it seems clear that the case is being dealt with in accordance with the established and agreed arrangements.