HC Deb 18 July 1957 vol 573 cc143-4W
Mr. Brockway

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what bodily injuries have been noticed by medical officers during examinations of Cypriot prisoners at any period during their confinement in Wormwood Scrubs Prison.

Mr. R. A. Butler

On reception, the following notes were made by the medical officer:

Prisoner No. 8089 Healed gunshot wound right shoulder. No muscle wasting.

Prisoner No. 8087 Small pimples on chest, back and leg. Trivial abrasions on right elbow and leg which had been treated with iodine".

Prisoner No. 8091 Pigment from old tinea crura left thigh".

Prisoner No. 8086 Old slight haemorrhage in right eye".

Prisoner No. 9228 Old scar inner side right ankle and shin, apparently a varicose vein operation".

Prisoner No. 9229 Scar below and behind left ear".

Prisoner No. 9233 Trivial scars left knee and back".

Prisoner No. 9231 Boil scars right forearm and buttocks".

Prisoner No. 9234 Trifling old scars on face from childhood".

The following complaints were made subsequently:

Prisoner No. 9234 complained of an injury to his right shoulder for which he has received treatment.

Prisoner No. 9232 drew attention to a mark in the fold of his wrist of which he had previously made no mention.

Prisoner No. 8088 stated that his nose had been fractured a year ago and that the airway was obstructed. The consultant surgeon could find nothing calling for treatment.

Prisoner No. 8086 complained of a broken nose and stomach swellings alleged to be caused by an assault. No confirmation of either allegation was found on examination by the prison medical officer.

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