HC Deb 10 July 1957 vol 573 cc45-6W
65 and 66. Mr. Swingler

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation (1) when he expects to receive the report of the Road Safety Committee on the subject of mo-peds;

Mr. Watkinson

The following is the answer:

(2) on what date he received a deputation of cycle manufacturers to discuss the subject of mo-peds; what was the nature of the representations they made; and what action he proposes to take.

Mr. Watkinson

On the 29th May my hon. Friend the Joint Parliamentary Secretary met a deputation, who suggested that the minimum age for drivers of mo-peds should be 15 years and that they should not be required to pass a driving test or hold a driving licence. I expect to receive in a few weeks a report from the Departmental Committee on Road Safety on these and allied matters, and I will consider carefully the views of the deputation in the light of the Committee's report.