HC Deb 05 July 1957 vol 572 cc146-8W
Mr. H. Wilson

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what special items have been included in the figures for Miscellaneous under the heading Ordinary Revenue in the Exchequer Returns for the current financial year which show in the period to 22nd June an increase of £37 millions over the corresponding period of 1956–57.

Mr. P. Thorneycroft

The increase is due to the £37 million of interest on the United States and Canadian loans which was returned to the Exchequer on 30th April. I explained this item in my Budget statement on 9th April, as followsThe estimate for non-tax revenue is £268 million compared with £261 million last year. Under this heading, I must admit to one receipt which is not really revenue at all but merely a book-keeping windfall. As the Committee knows, the interest of £37 million due last December on the United States and Canadian loans was paid into a special account

Preference Ordinary
£ £ £ £
Bairds & Scottish Steel Ltd.
6% Cum. Pref. Shares of £1 each 1,050,000
Ordinary Shares of £1 each 1,680,000
Barrow Ironworks Ltd.
Shares of £1 each 925,000
Barrow Steel Works Ltd.
Shares of £1 each 100
Colvilles Ltd.
5½% Cum. Pref. Shares of £1 each 4,000,000
4½% Deb. Stock 1975/85 (50% paid) 10,000,000
Consett Iron Co. Ltd.
5% Redeemable Deb. Stock 1975/85 4,000,000
Darlington & Simpson Rolling Mills Ltd.
5 % Debenture Stock 1974/84 700,000
Darwen & Mostyn Iron Co. Ltd.
Shares of £1 each 240,000
Dorman Long & Co. Ltd.
5½% Cum. Pref. Shares of £1 each 5,000,000
4½% Unsecured Loan Stock 1969/74 10,000,000
Gjers Mills & Co. Ltd.
Shares of £1 each 270,000
Guest Keen Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.
4½ % Debenture Stock 1970/84 5,000,000
Guest Keen & Nettlefolds (South Wales) Ltd.
4½ % Debenture Stock 1970/84 2,500,000
Hodbarrow Mining Co. Ltd.
Shares of £8 each 400,000
J. J. Habershon & Sons Ltd.
6% 1st Cum. Pref. Shares of £1 each 60,000
10% 2nd Cum. Pref. Shares of £1 each 10,000
Ordinary Shares of £1 each 121,656
John Baker & Bessemer Ltd.
6% Cum. Pref. Shares of £1 each 182,479
4½% 2nd Cum. Pref. Shares of £1 each 200,000
Ordinary Shares of £1 each 247,955

and was included in the charge for interest on debt in 1956–57. Agreement has since been reached with the United States and Canadian Governments for the deferment of this interest payment. After, as I hope, the United States Congress ratifies this agreement, the interest will be returned to the Exchequer from the special account. I am bound to include this £37 million in my estimate of miscellaneous revenue. But I hasten to assure the Committee that I shall not regard this windfall as having any significance when I come to consider my Budget proposals."—[OFFICIAL REPORT, 9th April, 1957; Vol. 568, c. 976.]