HC Deb 18 December 1957 vol 580 cc73-4W
Mr. Collins

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what applications he has received in connection with Part II of the Agriculture Act, 1957, from farm tenants for consent under Section 50 of the Agricultural Holdings Act, 1948.

Mr. Godber

I regret that this information is not readily available, and its extraction would involve an excessive amount of work.

Mr. Collins

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is the number of occasions since 1st January, 1951, on which farm tenants following refusal by the landlord, have applied to him, under Section 50 of the Agricultural Holdings Act, 1948, for consent to long term improvements which they wish to have made on the farms they occupy; and if, since 1954, the number of such applications has increased or decreased.

Mr. Godber

Figures for calendar years are not available, but between 1st March, 1951, and 28th February, 1957, 242 applications were decided under Section 50 of the Agricultural Holdings Act, 1948, 103 were decided in the second half of this period and 139 in the first half.