HC Deb 18 December 1957 vol 580 cc66-7W
Mr. Lucas

asked the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation whether the construction of the fly-over at the western end of the Cromwell Road extension in Brentford and Chiswick is proceeding as rapidly as planned; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. Watkinson

Construction on some sections of the fly-over is proceeding more quickly and on others rather more slowly than planned. Work of this kind has to be planned to minimise interference with traffic and the contract provides that the temporary link road now in use between the existing section of the new road and the Chiswick roundabout shall not be closed until the new slip road on the north side of the fly-over is completed. This slip road is not yet ready and alternative traffic diversions to enable the temporary link road to be closed now, several months ahead of schedule, have been suggested.

The Police and my Department are most anxious to do all they can to accelerate the construction of the fly-over and they have examined these suggestions very carefully. I am advised, however, that the traffic pressure at this junction is already severe and that the proposed diversions would create unacceptable congestion at the exits from the roundabout.

I am assured that notwithstanding the delays which have occurred on some stages of this contract, there is no reason to fear that the work as a whole will not be completed within the contract period, i.e., by August, 1959.