HC Deb 31 October 1956 vol 558 cc153-4W
70. Captain Kerby

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware that the new basis on which local overseas allowances have been recently introduced in Germany, following the withdrawal of Deutschemark support costs, is causing much unfavourable comment amongst Royal Air Force personnel in Germany ; if he is further aware that these new rates show a difference of 4d. a day as between warrant officers, flight-sergeants and sergeants, but that as between sergeants, corporals and below, the difference rises to 3s. 10d. a day ; that all ranks have to pay the same, and increasing, Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes' prices ; and how far it is his intention that a sergeant should be enabled to maintain his family at a higher standard of living, in respect of local overseas allowances intended to cover extra living costs abroad, than a corporal or below.

Mr. Birch

I consider it appropriate that a sergeant should be enabled to maintain a higher standard of living for his family than an airman of lower rank.