HC Deb 28 November 1956 vol 561 c51W
111. Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

asked the Postmaster-General what grant is to be paid to the Independent Television Authority in the coming financial year.

Dr. Hill

In order to assist the I.T.A. in fulfilling its duty of ensuring a proper balance in the programmes transmitted over its network and in accordance with the general lines of policy enunciated during the consideration of Section 11 of the Television Act, the Government have decided to provide for a grant in aid to the Independent Television Authority in next year's broadcasting Estimate.

This grant in aid will, subject to Parliamentary approval, total £100,000. This decision carries with it no implication of continuing Exchequer assistance. It is intended as a temporary measure designed to assist the I.T.A. in procuring the inclusion in the programmes of items which in its opinion are necessary for improving the balance of the subject matter of the programmes.